Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26th.....Big Day!

Well, it is has been quite some time since I have sat down and recapped on my life as Miss Florida USA 2010. I have been preoccupied with making appearance, preparing for Miss USA and planning my Central Florida Send Off Party that I did not make the time to inform the public on what is going happening in my life. It would be quite tedious to back track but I will try to start fresh from here on out. It is difficult to know how productive a titleholder is if she does not update you consistently. I know many of times if you do not hear the news one assumes that nothing is being done. Well, in 8 months I have completed over 150 appearances and I am not done!

Today I feel great! I had an awesome morning as I had the opportunity to inspire our up and coming generation. This morning began the state wide competition for Math Counts. 300 students gathered at the Hilton Hotel in Altamonte Springs to compete in group and individual competitions in which they are challenged to solve different types of problems. These kids are the brightest kids in our state and they are excited about the world of math. speaking to them was so much fun because they understood everything I was preaching. Math is fun and it is 'cool'......I am amazed at their level of intelligence!

I am 'on break' for another 30 minutes as I have a completely different type of appearance from 11-1:30. I am not sure if I shared with you the Celebrity Dinner I emceed back on October 30th of 2009. The idea of the event was to have celebrity waiters wait on tables in which the guests 'tipped' the waiter to participate in various activities. It could be as innocent as bringing utensils to the table or it could be to pie another celebrity in the face. Before you knew it Joey Fatone was singing, Commissioner Fernandez and

Commissioner Segal were doing the Tango, Bo Outlaw (Orlando Magic) was dancing the Stanky Leg, and as a birthday present someone 'tipped' me to pie Bo in the face :).

The whole event was hysterical and today B.A.S..E. Camp as at it again. This time it is a luncheon at Flemings in Winter Park and there is a new group of celebrities. I am very much looking forward to it...hopefully no one will 'tip' me to do anything crazy :)

As soon as that event ends it is back to the Hilton for the Math Counts Awards Ceremony. Once pictures are done it is off to the Orlando Magic Basketball Game. I will be emceeing as the Orlando Magic take on the Minnesota Timberwolves. All 300 of the students and volunteers from today's competition will be in attendance. I hope that this will be a great day for them to remember :)

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